Vision and Values


Our mission includes meeting with people every day, sharing the Bfos business dream and helping them to get started. Our mission statement therefore is; We show the benefits of both the individual’s willingness to work, as well as to work collaboratively for greater rewards for all.


1. Relationships :- We value building mutually beneficial relationships with people, treating others the way you would prefer them to treat you.

2. Networking : - Making contacts, meeting people, Interacting, making friends with them and working together towards a common goal. The end results of joint work through network marketing is always far much greater than the single hands work.

3. Focus and Consistency: - We place high value on focusing and doing the right things over and over again till the desired results are obtained.

4. Trust, Commit and acknowledging the Lord is key to establishment of the work of thoughts. This is our fundamental value at Bfos Limited.