Members Terms and Conditions

Members Terms and Conditions

  1. My appointment as a Independent Bfos Limited (hereafter referred to as the company) does not make me an employee, agent or legal representative of the company, neither does Bfos give me any authority to speak for, contract or bind the company or my sponsor.
  2. I will operate my business of buying and selling Bfos products at my own expense and I am aware that I have a choice to sponsor or recommend others to consider the same opportunity as Distributors.
  3. I will sell all products marketed by Bfos at the company’s recommended consumer price list.
  4. I hereby confirm that I am an adult in the bracket age of (18 years or above) and thereby duly bound by Bfos Terms and conditions.
  5. I will not make any claims, representation or statements about Bfos or its products, other than those stated on its officially issued literatures, brochures, websites, social media or any of its written materials.
  6. Apart from printed materials which Bfos shall supply from time to time and or sell to Distributors; an Independent Distributor may not use DW logo, letter head and or any other representation of Bfos without prior written approval by the company.
  7. I will hold Bfos free from legal liabilities arising from any unauthorized claims, misrepresentation statements made by me.
  8. I agree and commit to be governed by the Bfos Business Plan, Terms and conditions, code of ethics and any other company’s writings provided and circulated currently and in the future.
  9. Under no circumstances, directly or indirectly, or for the purposes of helping another person, shall a Distributor solicit, interfere or attempt to induce another Distributor to leave or change his/her line of sponsorship.
  10. My Distributorship is a lifetime membership provided I meet the requirements as laid down by on Bfos compensation plan and any of the company’s written materials.
  11. In the event of the death of a Member/Distributor, my business will be transferred to my next of kin. However, in the event of “Termination of my Distributorship” for whatever reason, my team members will remain part of my upline/sponsor’s team.
  12. My membership may also be revoked or terminated should I fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions herein or the Bfos code of ethics which amongst others include:
    • That I will defend and protect Bfos from those who seek to malign the company’s good name.
    • That I will respect the company’s policies, rules, terms and conditions and abide by them all the time.
    • That I will not register or build a group under dummy or fictitious name.
    • That I will not resort to pirating, poaching, maligning, or falsifying.
    • That I will always uphold my membership with Bfos as an honour and a privilege.
  13. Any delay by Bfos in the exercise of rights herein shall not in any way constitute a waiver of such right.
  14. These Terms and Conditions are subject to changes and or amendments that may be made by the company from time to time.