The underlying purpose of this business is about tapping into the power of team synergy through Network Marketing in order to achieve your personal goals for a better living. We believe that when every individual is willing to work and help others, together we can ultimately have all things in common and gradually eliminate lack from ourselves. At Bfos, we have combined some two most powerful income-generating sources to give you the ultimate financial freedom you have ever desired - Network Marketing and Investment, all in one. Bfos, which is an acronym for, Buy From Own Shop, is indeed a unique concept that is set to become the future generation way of living. Simply put, Bfos is introducing a culture to shop and become a shareholder, then buy from your own shop... And our shop is gradually becoming a One-Stop-Shop for all products.



Our Bfos Business Partners are well positioned to guide you on how to get started on this unique business mindset ever. The benefits from our Profit-Sharing plan are unparalleled. Yet the risk is very little and almost zero. All it takes, is to spend money procuring your own products while saving money by gaining profits from your spending. Want to learn more?



In order to reach your desired goal, you need a vision that will motivate you to get there. At Bfos, our vision is – Massive passive income for an abundant and enjoyable life. We take pleasure in resuscitating your dreams and in watching you begin to look young and feel good about it